首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >企业环境伦理对绿色创新绩效的影响研究




基于自然资源基础观理论,构建了企业环境伦理、绿色智力资本与绿色创新绩效的关系模型。通过对241家制造业企业的问卷调查,探讨了企业环境伦理对绿色创新绩效的影响,以及 H -S -R 结构的绿色智力资本的中介作用。结果表明:企业环境伦理促进企业绿色人力资本、绿色结构资本与绿色关系资本的积累,进而提升绿色创新绩效;绿色结构资本与绿色关系资本在企业环境伦理与绿色创新绩效间有显著的中介作用,而绿色人力资本的中介作用并不显著,绿色关系资本的中介作用最强。%This paper,on the basis of Natural -resource -based View theory,constructs the relationship model of corporate environmental ethics,green intellectual capital and green innovation performance.Meanwhile,it explores the influence of cor-porate environmental ethics to green innovation performance and the mediation effect of H -S -R structured green intellectual capital by surveying 241 manufacturing firms.The empirical results show that corporate environmental ethics can help to accu-mulate green human capital,green structural capital and green relational capital,which result in improving green innovation performance.Besides,we find that green structural capital and green relational capital have significant mediation effect,while the mediation effect of green human capital is not.These findings can provide theoretical basis for corporations and enlighten them to fulfill environmental responsibilities and improve their green innovation performance.



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