


As the beginning of Chinese narrative literature,Zuozhuan has greatinfluence on the formation of Chinese narrative structure,posing the question of how to look upon the relationship between "mixed literature and history"and the Chinese narrative tradition.Based on the three Chinese narrative perspectives,namely omniscient narration,limited narration and impersonal narration,we analyzed the formation of Zuozhuan′s narrative structure and tried to find the bas-ic characteristics of Chinese narration.This thesis holds that Zuozhuan′s narration is not for the purpose of "literariness"but of "history"function.During the realization of its "literariness",it not only describes the occurring of the "history"but also extends the explanation;Meanwhile,its narration abandons the traditional single history -telling method and words -keeping method,however,it adopts "history mixed with words",realizing the transfer from Chinese traditional running account of history -telling to historical narration of characters,pushing the historiography onto a new stage. Hereby,we find the basic essence of Chinese narration,mixture of "literariness"and "history".%《左传》作为中国叙事文学的真正起点和开篇,对于中国叙事结构的形成产生了重要的影响,并引申出如何看待“文史不分”与中国叙事传统的关系问题,以全知叙事、纯客观叙事和限知叙事三个方面对《左传》叙事结构的生成过程进行了辨析;认为《左传》的叙事并非以“文学性”的实现为目的,而是担负“史”的功能,其“文学性”的实现是一种历史的发生,也是一种解释的迁延;同时,在叙事上摒弃了单一的记事或记言的旧制,以“言事相兼”为手段,真正实现了中国历史记叙从账簿似的大事记向以写人物活动的历史叙述的转移,将中国史学记叙推到了一个崭新的阶段;在文史互见的基础上,发见了中国叙事的“由史入文”、“允文允史”的基本特质。



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