首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >陕西作家短篇小说创作形势分析--以《陕西文学六十年作品选·短篇小说卷》为依据




Shaanxi is regarded as the great province of literature,just because generations of writers have established and supported the mansion of Shaanxi literature with their writing achievements.In the aspect of novel,different kinds of works of novels,novellas and short stories,which grew all together and mutually confirmed,had created a grand view of literature.The Selected works of Shaanxi literature in the past sixty years·Volume of short stories have analyzed the writing situation of short stories of Shaanxi writers,and stated that the short stories written by the young generation writ-ers have not reached the high level of the old generation works,no matter in contents or art quality.If Shaanxi litera-ture,which has the strategic importance in the whole Chinese literature,does not have the prosperity of short stories,it will be very hard for it to match the honorary titles of "Strategic Place and Great Province of Literature"in any case.%以《陕西文学六十年作品选·短篇小说卷》为依据,分析了陕西作家短篇小说创作态势,认为陕西年轻一代作家的短篇小说创作无论内容还是艺术质量都不及老一辈作家所达到的高度。作为中国文学重镇的陕西文学,如果没有短篇小说的昌盛,无论如何也难以与文学“重镇”、“大省”相匹配。



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