首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >小说《古炉》的生态解读--兼论贾平凹对生态女性主义的接受与超越




两千余年的男权、等级和专制文化,造成中国社会男性的普遍扭曲,这不仅注定了本民族“文革”的命运,也使女性和自然深受其害。小说对女性和自然的关怀及对男权文化的批判,既有对西方生态女性主义思想的接受,又有创造性的应用与超越。小说对中国传统文化的反思和自省,对构建当代和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。%Though the Cultural Revolution is the political ecology of the novel The Old Furnace,written by Jia Pingwa, one of the most famous writers in China,it is the humanity condition influenced by Chinese traditional culture that de-cides the writing trend and results of the novel.More than two thousand years culture of mental contortion,patriarchy, and monocracy resulted in the general distorted humanity of the males,which not only caused the Cultural Revolution in China,but also made Chinese women and nature suffer a lot.The novel shows solicitude for women and the nature,and criticizes the male -dominated culture in China.It does not only accept the western eco -feminist ideology,but has its own creativity and transcendence.The reflection and introspection of Chinese traditional culture in the novel is really meaningful and provides us with reference significance for the construction of modern harmonious society.



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