首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >审判中心主义语境下的证人弹劾规则




以审判为中心对现行诉讼制度进行改革,要求一切诉讼活动都要以审判为中心展开,控辩审三方职能的行使都要围绕审判展开,实现庭审实质化。庭审实质化需贯彻直接言词原则,要求将证据裁判原则深入到庭审过程尤其是认定被告人有罪的过程中,而证人和鉴定人出庭便是落实庭审实质化的重要前提。随着审判中心诉讼改革的加深,有效利用出庭证人和鉴定人在庭审中的证言,保证被告人的辩护权得到充分有效的行使,是谈审判中心改革的重要内容。美国证据法的证人弹劾规则中有部分内容不仅有利于庭审双方形成良性的对抗态势,更有助于对事实认定者证人证言的可信性进行判断,促进事实认定的准确性。%The reformation of criminal procedure in trial -centeredness has been posed by the Resolution of the Forth Plenum of CPC.Firstly,the trial should be the center of the entire criminal procedure system.Secondly,the both par-ties of trial should be controlled by the trial.The most important is substantive of trial.All above including the convic-tion of defendant should be governed by the principle of direct and verbal &the principle of judgment by means of evi-dence.The important premise is the attendance of witness and identifier.With the guidance of parts of the rules of im-peachment,the situaition of the attendance of witness and identifier will be improved.How to use the testimony and pro-tect the right of defense are important parts of the reformation of criminal procedure in trial -centeredness.Research on the rules of impeachment in Federal Rules of Evidence should be helpful to the both parties in forming a good confronta-tion situation and to the fact finder in judging the credibility of the testimony.



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