首页> 中文期刊>梧州学院学报 >论桂剧的传承和发展模式




Guangxi Opera is one of the major local operas in Guangxi with a history of more than 200 years.In 1896,Tang Jingsong started a specialized troupe of Guangxi Opera,called "Guilin Chunban".He wrote a play named Kanqiting Drama,which is one of the first plays specially composed for this kind of operas in the history of Guangxi Opera.When Guilin became a cultural city during the Anti-Japanese War,Ma Junwu,Ouyang Yuqian,Tian Han,Jiao Juyin,etc.established such organizations as the Association for Improvement of Guangxi Local Operas,School for Guangxi Opera,etc.so as to improve Guangxi Opera and to train personnel,which made great contributions to the development of Guangxi Opera.After the new China was founded,the performance of Guangxi Opera,which was on the basis of Guangxi Opera Troupe,was considered many times in performing activities at regional and national levels as remarkable accomplishment.With China's implementation her reform and opening-up policy and with the enrichment of people's spiritual life,Guangxi Opera,just as the other traditional operas,faces such problems as market shrinkage and lack of followers.Considering the real problems of contemporary Guangxi Opera,some reforming measures are proposed in order to develop and improve Guangxi Opera.%桂剧是广西主要的地方剧种之一,至今约有200余年的历史。1896年唐景崧开办了桂剧科班"桂林春班",其创作的桂剧剧本《看棋亭杂剧》是桂剧发展史上第一批为本剧种而撰的独有剧目。桂林抗战文化城时期,马君武、欧阳予倩、田汉、焦菊隐等人成立广西戏剧改进会、桂剧学校等机构,从事桂剧改革和人才培养,为桂剧发展做出了巨大贡献。新中国成立后桂剧演出以桂剧团为依托,多次在地方和全国的戏剧活动中取得辉煌的成绩。改革开放以来,随着广大人民群众精神生活的逐渐丰富,桂剧也与其他传统戏剧一样面临市场萎缩、后继无人等现实问题。面对当代桂剧的现实困境,提出相应的改革措施,以期促进桂剧的发展和提高。



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