首页> 中文期刊> 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》 >Vegetation Restoration Technique System and Its Ecological Functions of the Degraded Ecosystem in the Arid-Hot Valleys——Taking the Example of Typical Mode in Small Watershed of Yuanmou

Vegetation Restoration Technique System and Its Ecological Functions of the Degraded Ecosystem in the Arid-Hot Valleys——Taking the Example of Typical Mode in Small Watershed of Yuanmou



This paper concluded the vegetation restoration technique system in the arid-hot valleys and studied the anti-erosion function, environmental function and biological diversity effects of vegetation restoration on the ecosystem in the arid-hot valleys. The results showed that the soil erodibility decreased significantly after the vegetation restoration. The climate environment of the small watershed had a great improvement after the vegetation restoration, of which the temperature decreased, the humidity increased, the harsh environment of dry and hot in this region changed. The studies of the ecosystem biodiversity were mainly on the analysis of the relations between biodiversity and ecological function of the artificial ecological forest pattern and the natural enclosed treatment mode on the severely of degraded land. It could conclude that the natural en-closed treatment mode is helpful to the biodiversity of the ecosystem and the improvement and stability of the ecosystem, and Leucaena artificial forest restoration pattern reduced the species diversity but optimized the ecological function. Therefore, as to the severely and extremely severely degraded ecosystem in the arid-hot valleys, Leucaena pattern of gully control and natural enclosed treatment mode are the relatively optimal choices.




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