首页> 中文期刊>温州大学学报(社会科学版) >认知、认同、践行:当代大学生社会主义核心价值观现状调查及对策研究--以温州市高校为例




当代大学生对社会主义核心价值观认知度较高,但仍有提升的空间;对社会主义核心价值观认同度非常高,但部分学生价值观不明确和信仰缺失;对社会主义核心价值观的践行度较高,但自觉性亟须提升。西方价值观念的冲击和社会变革过程中不正之风的消极影响、社会主义核心价值观教育实效性不强及学生学习生活环境中负面因素的消极影响是产生以上问题的三大原因。强化主渠道教育的主导作用及课外实践教育的辅助作用,强化社会主义核心价值观教育进网络、进公寓、进家庭“三进”的实效性,能有效地推动当代大学生认知、认同和践行社会主义核心价值观。%Theauthor demonstrates the fact that the contemporary college students have higher recognition degree toward Socialist Core Values butremainingthe spaceto beupdated. The degree ofrecognition toward Socialist Core Values isextremelyhigh, butambiguousand lack of belief tosome of the students. The practical degree of SocialistCore values is higher, but the consciousness of students remains to be promoted. The reasons for those phenomenaare divided into the impactfromthewestern values, thenegative impact of unhealthy tendencies in the process of social changes, the educational effectiveness of Socialist Core Values is not strongenoughand thepassive influence of negative factors in the studentsin theirlearning andliving environment. It is fruitful and helpful to strengthen the leading role of main stream education, the supporting role of practical education and the practice of Socialist CoreValues. Itis useful to take advantage ofthe function ofInternet,studentdormitory andtheirfamilyin the process of educationof Social Core Values.



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