首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >把司马迁与《史记》研究推向新的阶段——纪念司马迁诞辰2160周年学术会议暨中国史记研究会第十四届年会评说




纪念司马迁诞辰2160周年学术会议暨中国史记研究会第十四届年会以"《史记》与人文精神"为主题,于2015年10月24-26日在渭南师范学院召开,安排精细,精彩纷呈,是一次高水平、高质量、高规格、高成效的非常精彩、特色鲜明的学术盛会,是把国内外司马迁与《史记》研究推向新的阶段的重要活动. 这次学术会议的特色:一是专家云集;二是聚焦"史神";三是活动丰富;四是"重地"垂范;五是成果丰硕;六是开启未来. 学者们充分领略了渭南师范学院的学术风采,深入探讨了史圣精神的丰富内涵,认真交流了学术研讨的重要成果,更加明确了史记研究的推进方向.%The conference to commemorate the 2160 anniversary of the birth of Sima Qian and the fourteenth annual meeting of China Historical Records Association was held in Weinan Normal University on 24-26 October, 2015. Historical Records and Humanistic Spirit as the subject witnessed the meticulous arrangement and colorful activities in the meeting. It is with the high level, high quality, high standard and high efficiency, to promote the study of Sima Qian and Historical Records to a higher level home and abroad. The meeting is featured with the great numbers of experts and scholars home and abroad, focusing on the greatest historian, with plenty of activities in Sima' s hometown to have achieved a lot for the future research. Scholars have praised the academic aura of Weinan Normal University, deeply discussed the connotations of Sima Spirit, and exchanged the academic views, to be definite the future study of Historical Records.



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