首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >高山仰止揖芬芳——纪念司马迁诞辰2160周年学术会议暨中国史记研究会第十四届年会祭奠司马迁与文化考察述评




Historical Records and Humanistic Spirit as the subject witnessed the meticulous arrangement and colorful activities in the conference to commemorate the 2160 anniversary of the birth of Sima Qian and the fourteenth annual meeting of China Histori?cal Records Association, 150 scholars home and abroad presenting in Weinan Normal University on 24-26 October, 2015. During the conference, apart from the academic exchanges and discussions, the colorful activities were staged, including a memorial cere?mony for Sima Qian, a visit to Research Center of Historical Records, and a cultural survey of Hongmen Yan Heritage Park, Yuedu Pavilion of Ancient Tongguan Pass and Hangu Pass, which impressed every scholar deeply to learn what we can learn from books.%以"《史记》与人文精神"为主题,"纪念司马迁诞辰2160周年学术会议暨中国史记研究会第十四届年会",由中国史记研究会与渭南师范学院联合主办,汇集了近150名海内外研究学者,于2015年10月24-26日在渭南师范学院召开. 在会议期间,除开展学术交流和讨论外,还安排了丰富多彩的活动,主要是:祭奠司马迁,参观《史记》研究展馆,考察鸿门宴遗址公园、古潼关岳渎阁、函谷关. 每一项活动都给大家留下了深刻的印象,并从中领悟到许多书本上读不到的知识.



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