首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >《春秋》再现 资治宝典——司马迁继《春秋》撰著《史记》综论

《春秋》再现 资治宝典——司马迁继《春秋》撰著《史记》综论



Historical Records, "the best book for the historical writing with the artful form like Li Sao in blank verse" can be regarded as the origin of Chinese ancient civilization with valuable advices for the governance.Sima Qian composed Historical Records succeeding in and better than Spring and Autumn Annals.Sima Qian praised highly Spring and Autumn Annals aiming to underline Historical Records.Spring and Autumn Annals stressed the morals, while Historical Records governance intending to explore the means of the governance with the time changing, that is, to record the past with the considering the future making the law for the crowned successors.In order to strengthen the crowned rule, Spring and Autumn Annals often recorded the history cautiously and euphemistically with the disparaging and praising at random;however Historical Records rendered the history with the objective attitude.Historical Records is written in five-typed styles expressing the meaning and discussing the affairs directly through the recorded documents so as to combine the governance idea with content into one, and therefore the book of Historical Records is more valuable and essential to the governance of the nation.%《史记》是"史家之绝唱、无韵之《离骚》、国学之根柢、资治之宝典".司马迁继《春秋》撰著《史记》,是"春秋再现",继之《春秋》,胜于《春秋》.司马迁推崇《春秋》,其目的在于自比《春秋》,推重《史记》;《春秋》"道义",《史记》"资治",意在"承敝通变",探求资治之道,"述往事,思来者",为后王立法;为强化意旨,《春秋》采用"微言""曲笔"方法,任意褒贬,而《史记》采用创立五体、行事褒贬、互文见义、直言实录、直发议论的五位一体方法,立体阐发,深度思考,将资治理念和资治内容通贯全书,使之更有价值,真正成为"资治宝典".



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