首页> 中文期刊>振动与冲击 >强背景噪声下微弱声发射信号提取及处理研究现状




In the field of fault diagnosis,acoustic emission (AE)signals are often exposed to strong background noise caused by the environment and the detection system,which leads to the aliased distortion of AE signals.A review of the present research situation of the extraction and processing of acoustic emission signals under strong background noise was presented,including the characteristics of AE signals in fault diagnosis,the processing flow of AE signals,the denoising of AE signals by using wavelet,ICA and EMD,the feature extraction and fault recognition.Then a summary of insufficiency and solving methods in the research of denoising,feature extraction and fault recognition of AE signals was also presented.The future development of AE technology and relevant signal processing methods were forecasted.%针对故障诊断领域声发射信号因工作环境及采集设备自身影响常受强背景噪声干扰导致混叠失真问题,对故障诊断中声发射信号特性及处理流程、强背景噪声下声发射信号降噪方法(小波分析,ICA,EMD)、声发射信号特征提取及故障识别等国内外研究现状进行综述;分析总结声发射信号在降噪、特征提取及故障识别研究中存在的不足,探讨解决方法,展望声发射信号处理技术发展。



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