首页> 中文期刊>上海理工大学学报 >知识系统工程与现代科学技术体系




介绍如何在钱学森系统科学思想指引下创建知识系统工程学科、知识系统工程的任务与内涵、知识系统的组成要素和功能;提出了知识系统的组织、人员、技术、经营和文化的体系结构;对知识系统的运作过程进行了分析;简要介绍了知识项目的开发步骤.特别是针对知识系统是所谓“系统的系统”,提出知识系统可以从“网络的网络”即“超网络”入手进行建模和分析;并对创新过程中知识的集成、转化与新知识的生成,针对二分法的局限性,提出了知识谱系与渐进与突进集成一些新的观点.最后按照钱学森的现代科学技术体系思想,探讨了知识科学的学科体系结构问题.%On the basis of Qian Xuesen's systems thinking,a new discipline, the knowledge systems engineering, has been established. The mission and contents of this new discipline were introduced. Knowledge system is considered as "the system of systems" since most of the component systems is existing and they can be operated and managed independently. Integration of existing systems together with newly developed system will constitute the system of systems and new functions will emerge. The network models are widely used in knowledge systems and "system of systems" can be modeled and analyzed by the "network of networks" or so called supernetwork approach. The architectures of knowledge systems were suggested. They are (1) organizational architecture, (2) personnel architecture, (3) technological architecture, (4) business architecture, (5)cultural architecture. The working processes of knowledge system, including the knowledge acquisition, organizing, discovery, creation and utilization were analyzed. Some new concepts of knowledge conversion opposed to dichotomy approach, based on knowledge spectrum approach, were presented and integration of incremental and catastrophic evolution of knowledge creation model was suggested. The features and advantages of innovation by system-integration and its thinking styles were described. Finally the architectural features of knowledge systems engineering in accordance with the framework of Qian's taxonomy were discussed.



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