首页> 中文期刊>中国科学技术大学学报 >智能电网中基于动态优先级的插电式电动汽车充电管理




随着智能电网的发展和插电式电动汽车市场占有率的提高,大量随机的电动汽车充电活动将导致极大的电网峰荷和峰均比,给智能电网的稳定性和发电利用率带来严重影响,电动汽车用户多样的充电需求也为充电管理提出了更高的要求,采用动态优先级调度的实时充电管理方法是解决以上问题的有效途径,首先引入了智能电网中接入网的网络结构,进而提出一种可实现实时管理的智能电表子表,并基于队列理论对电动汽车充电过程划分为3个步骤,基于以上划分提出每个步骤的实时管理方案.进一步地,采用松弛时间来反映不同紧急程度的充电请求,并基于此设计了动态优先级的充电调度方法.仿真结表明所提充电管理方案有利于降低电网峰荷、提高发电利用率,并有效改善了电动汽车在中、低市场占有率下的充电准点率.研究结果有助于对未来电动汽车的发展和部署提供决策支持.%Massive and random charging activities by increasing penetration of the plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) shall bring significant electricity impact on the smart grid. The real-time charging management with dynamic-priority scheduling is the key to satisfying various charging requirements and help utilities optimize infrastructure utilization.An access network structure was introduced firstly,then a submeter for real-time management was proposed,followed by a three-process decomposition of the PEV charging activity using queuing theory was carried out.Based on the decomposition, the real-time management of each process was proposed.Furthermore,a dynamic-priority scheduling based on the PEV slack time for satisfying various charging requirements,and the time-sensitive PEVs can be served firstly.Simulation results show the proposed charging management performs efficiently on reducing the grid peak load,improving the utility utilization, and enhancing the on-time percentage in mid and low penetrations. Study findings will help support informed decision-making regarding PEV development and deployment in the near future.



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