


The event model is defined and described,and the research classification is given under different starting points.Then,from the perspective of extraction method,we give a detailed review and analysis of dynamic studies and development of three technical methods,including social event modeling based on template generation webpage,different drive modes of machine learning and user interaction behavior model in social event modeling.In the part of different drive modes of machine learning,presentation and discussion are focused on the research of event element field and event case field.Then the user interaction behavior model is briefly described.Finally,the achievement and shortcomings of existing social event modeling research are summarized,the problems that may be encountered in the research are given,and its prospect of development is forecast.%对事件建模进行定义与说明,给出不同出发点下的研究分类.在抽取方法方面,回顾和分析基于模板生成网页的社会事件建模、不同驱动模式的机器学习引入和用户交互行为模型的3种技术方法的研究动态与进展;在不同驱动模式机器算法引入方面,重点阐述和讨论事件元素和事件实例研究领域的研究动态.介绍用户交互行为模型在事件建模中的应用,总结社会事件建模的现有成就和不足,提出社会事件建模研究可能面临的问题,对其发展前景进行展望.



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