首页> 中文期刊> 《热带海洋学报》 >流沙湾7种海藻栽培比较及其对栽培海区水质的影响




In order to improve the present irrational culture structure in Liusha Bay, seven economic macroalgae, Kappaphycus alvarezi, Sargassum henslowianum, S. Integerrimum, S. Polyporum, S. Naozhouense, S. Hemiphyllum, and Hizikia fusiforme were cultured in Liusha Gulf of Zhangjiang from October 2008 to August 2009. The authors investigated the reproductive periodicity and phenology of all wild Sargassum populations, compared the phenology between the cultivation populations and the wild populations of seven seaweeds, and measured the condition of seawater quality in the cultivation sea area and its adjacent sea area. The results show that the fresh weight of the seven seaweeds was 6.3, 5.2, 5.2, 3.5, 2.5, 2.3 and 0.9kgm-2 respectively during the cultivation period. The seawater quality of the cultivation sea area was much better than that of the adjacent sea area, and the maturation duration of six seaweeds was earlier in cultivation area than in wild inhabitable area (except for K.alvarezi). In the view of economic value, production and length of growth period, macroalgae Kappaphycus alvarezii, S. Naozhouense and S. Integerrimum can be considered as potential good species to cultivate in Liusha Gulf and other areas in western Guangdong.%为改善流沙湾当前不合理的养殖结构,用传统的筏式栽培方法,于2008年10月-2009年8月在流沙湾进行了长心卡帕藻Kappaphycus alvarezii、亨氏马尾藻Sargassum henslowianum、全缘马尾藻S.integerrimum、多胞马尾藻S.polyporum、硇洲马尾藻S.naozhouense、半叶马尾藻S.hemiphyllum和羊栖菜Hizikia fusiforme等7种大型经济海藻的栽培,观察了各种野生马尾藻的繁殖周期和栽培物候学,比较了各种栽培藻类与其野生种群的物候,测定了藻类栽培海区和邻近海区的水质.结果表明,长心卡帕藻、亨氏马尾藻、全缘马尾藻、多胞马尾藻、硇洲马尾藻、半叶马尾藻和羊栖菜栽培产量(以鲜重计)分别为6.3、5.2、5.2、3.5、2.5、2.3、0.9kg.m-2;除营养繁殖的长心卡帕藻外,各种藻繁殖期较自然海区均有不同程度的提前;藻类栽培海区的水质明显优于邻近海区.通过经济价值、栽培产量和生长期的长短等综合比较分析,认为流沙湾等粤西地区可以栽培的经济海藻有长心卡帕藻、全缘马尾藻和硇洲马尾藻.



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