首页> 中文期刊>通化师范学院学报 >论中原服饰对高句丽服饰的影响




Gaogouli was our country ancient northeast minority, which lived in the northeast changbai mountain and the coastal areas of the Yalu river. B.C.37 years, North Buyeo tribal leaders Jumong led the clans-men to set up the Gaogouli, spheres of influence has reached to the Southwest of Changbai Mountain. During this period, has repeatedly paid tribute to the Central Plains, so the Gaogouli culture has been deeply influenced by the Central Plains culture. The costume is an important part of national culture. This article is from the perspective of clothing cultural studies, through the first clothing and hair style, body clothing, jewelry three aspects to explore the influence of central plains costume to Gaogouli cos-tume.%高句丽是我国古代东北地区的少数民族,高句丽人生活在东北长白山以及鸭绿江沿岸地区。公元前37年,北夫余(其当时的活动区域为今黑龙江省南部、吉林省北部地区)部族首领朱蒙(东明)率领族人南下,初定居于卒本川(今辽宁省桓仁)、后迁都国内城(今吉林省集安),从而建立高句丽国,势力范围已达到长白山西南麓。在这期间曾多次朝贡,所以在文化上一直与中原地区一脉相承,深受中原汉族文化影响。服饰作为民族文化的一个重要组成部分,也囊括在这种影响之中。从文化范畴的服饰文化学的角度,通过中原地区在首服及发式、体服、饰品等三个方面来探寻中原服饰对于高句丽服饰的影响。虽属管中窥豹,但已足见中原文化对于高句丽文化影响之一斑。



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