首页> 中文期刊>天津科技大学学报 >不同品系卤虫卵的生物学测定值和营养组成分析




The biometrics and nutritional qualities of Artemia cysts originating from the inland salt lakes and the Bohai Bay coastal saltponds in China were studied.Artemia franciscana originating from San Francisco Bay and Great Salt Lake, USA,and those artificially cultivated in Vietnam were chosen as reference strains. The results showed that the cyst diameters of the testedArtemia cysts ranged from 224.9,to 292.6,μm,the diameters of the decapsulated cysts ranged from 207.3 to 270.7,μm,the chorion thickness ranged from 2.2 to 12.2,µm,and the length of the newly-hatched nauplii ranged from 399.7,μm to 490.4,μm. Linear analysis indicated that,to some extent,the size of the decapsulated cysts is proportional to the length of the newly-hatched nauplii(R2=0.694). In general,the size of the cysts and the length of the nauplii were closely related to the species and geographic locations of theArtemia.ParthenogeneticArtemia cysts are bigger than the bisexual species,and the strains from the coastal saltworks had smaller cyst size than that of inland strains. Crude protein contents of the cysts ranged from 40.9% to 49.1% dry weight,crude lipid contents ranged from 11.8% to 21.3% dry weight and energy content ranged from 20193.6 to 22192,J/g. The total fatty acid contents and particularly EPA contents,were divergent from each other,ranging from 80.68 to 187.33,mg/g dry weight and 0.53 to 9.06,mg/g dry weight,respectively. Comparison ofthe biometric values showed that the nutritional qualities of the cysts were not closely related to theArtemia strains.%以美国旧金山湾、大盐湖和越南人工养殖的A.franciscana卤虫品系为参照,研究中国内陆盐湖和渤海湾盐田不同品系卤虫卵的生物学测定值和营养组成.结果表明:各品系卤虫水合卵径为224.9~292.6,µm,脱壳卵径为207.3~270.7,µm,卵壳厚度为2.2~12.2,µm,初孵无节幼体体长为399.7~490.4,µm,脱壳卵径与初孵无节幼体体长在一定程度上呈正相关(R2=0.694).卤虫卵和无节幼体大小与卤虫种和地理分布密切相关,两性生殖卤虫品系卵径显著小于孤雌生殖卤虫品系,且沿海盐场卤虫卵卵径小于内陆盐湖的卤虫卵卵径.各品系卤虫卵蛋白质含量占干质量的40.9%~49.1%,粗脂肪含量占干质量的11.8%~21.3%,能量值为20,193~22,192,J/g.不同品系卤虫总脂肪酸含量和EPA含量差别较大,分别为80.68~187.33,mg/g和0.53~9.06,mg/g.与生物学测定值相比,卤虫卵的营养组成与卤虫种和地理分布关系不大.



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