首页> 中文期刊>天津电大学报 >C 语言课程项目教学研究与实践﹡

C 语言课程项目教学研究与实践﹡



The C language project teaching can achieve the transformation of the way to students learning, and can achieve independent learning teaching objectives. Before implementation of the project teaching, we can use the case teaching to make students reserve sufficient knowledge. After the students have the independent ability to explore, we can carry out a project teaching. Under the guidance of teachers, students set up study groups.They can together select appropriate research study project,and list some research plan then carry out the division and cooperation. Teachers should guide students to obtain information efficiently, and direct students to exchange, discuss and improve. Through the learning process of“finding out, analyzing, solving the problem”, students can re-construct their own knowledge and ability,then cultivate their sense of innovation, and achieve perfect learning results.%  在 C 语言课程教学中实施项目教学能实现学生学习方式的转变,实现学生自主学习的教学目标。在实施项目教学前,可采用案例教学等方法使学生储备充足的知识。当学生具有一定的独立探究能力后,即可开展项目教学。在教师的指导下,学生组建学习小组,共同选定合适的研究性学习项目,并列出研究计划,进行分工合作。教师要引导学生高效地获取资料,引导学生交流、讨论、提高。学生经过“发现问题、研究探讨、解决问题”的学习过程,重构自己的知识、能力结构,培养创新意识,达到较好的学习效果。



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