首页> 中文期刊>天津行政学院学报 >社会保障治理能力及其提升途径




从社会保障管理到社会保障治理是国家治理能力现代化的必然要求.社会保障治理能力包含两个方面——有效而完整的社会保障制度与政策体系及其执行能力,涉及社会保障相关政府部门的政策协调、统筹和执行能力,基层社会保障公务员的职业能力和专业精神,政府部门与社会组织之间的协作能力.随着社会经济的发展,政府应不断完善社会保障政策和法制体系,在政策制定、执行、监督和评估全过程中既要发挥主导作用,又要积极引导社会力量参与.社会保障作为最主要的社会政策,要充分体现社会各阶层的利益诉求,得到相关利益主体的理解与支持.%Changes from the administration to the governance of social security is the inevitable re-quirement of the modernization of national governance capacity.There are two aspects in the gov-ernance capacity of social security:the first is the effective and complete system and policy,the sec-ond is the capacity to implement system and policies,which involves the policy coordination,overall planning and implementation capacity of the social security related government departments,the vo-cational ability and professionalism of the social security related civil servants at local level,and the coordination ability between the relevant government departments and social organizations,the pro-fessional ability and professionalism of civil servants in social security at the local level,and the a-bility to coordinate government departments and social organizations.For continuously improving the system of policies and laws of social security with the development of the social economy,the government must play a leading role,and the social forces must also be lead to participate in the whole process of making,implementing,monitoring and evaluating the social security policies.As a key social policy,the social security policy must reflect interests'demands from all social levels, and get understanding and supporting from the relevant beneficiaries.



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