首页> 中文期刊> 《纺织学报》 >利用分散染料废水的硫酸铵自动连续化制备




Aiming at the difficult treatment of acidic wastewater of disperse dyes and easy production of secondary pollution,taking the acidic mother liquor wastewater generated in the production of Disperse Blue 291:3 filter cake as an example, the comprehensive recycling and resource utilization technology were studied. The paper also explored the energy conservation and emissions reduction process of dye wastewater. Disperse Blue 291: 3 acidic mother liquor wastewater was treated by neutralization, decolorization and separation fine filtration, concentration and crystallization by mechanical vapor recompression ( MVR ) , centrifugal separation. The residual dyes and other organic matters in acidic disperse dye wastewater are basically removed. Then ammonium sulfate with the nitrogen content of more than 2092% and the free acid ( sulfuric acid) content of less than 01% was prepared. In this way,the recycling and reuse of the acidic disperse dye wastewater are achieved. All the processes realize the automatic and continuous, green, clean and efficient production. Meanwhile, the application of the evaporation and concentration technology of MVR taking advantage of recycling of its secondary steam energy,improves the economic and environmental benefits of the preparation of ammonium sulfate.%针对分散染料酸性废水难处理、易再次污染等问题,以分散蓝291:3滤饼生产过程中产生的酸性母液废水为例,研究了酸性分散染料废水综合循环利用及资源化技术,并探索染料废水节能减排技术的工艺过程.分散蓝291:3酸性母液废水经中和、脱色和分离、精滤、机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)浓缩结晶、离心分离等工艺处理后,残余染料等有机物基本脱除,得到了氮含量在2092%以上,游离酸(硫酸)含量低于01%的硫酸铵产品,从而实现了染料废水的循环利用和资源化.整个处理工艺实现了硫酸铵的自动连续化和清洁高效生产,同时MVR蒸发浓缩技术循环利用了它自身产生的二次蒸汽能量,提升了制备硫酸铵的经济效益和环保效益.



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