首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 >泛实践教学论∗--一所国家中职示范校“三向四级”教学模式解析




Practice in TVET means the course of students’construction both in comprehensive voca-tional competence and in occupational status via their actions under real or simulative structural work-ing environment with the help of teachers.Practice teaching is teachers’guidance,modeling,correc-tion,evaluation and all the work to set structural working environment in the course of students’ac-tivities.Pan-practice teaching indicates diversity of teaching activities,abundance of theoretical basis, and deep caring and concern for students’development.Three orientations in Pan-practice Teaching of Three-Orientations and Four-Grades are the objectives of the mode:orientations of subject,quality and future occupations.Four grades are the means to realize the objectives,including one day of inves-tigation to cultivate vocational interests,one week to develop vocational awareness,one month to train vocational skills and one year of internship to improve comprehensive vocational competences. Strategies to promote the mode include:perfecting the cultivation system,strengthening the guarantee sys-tem,completing the action system,enlarging the curriculum system and constructing the modeling system.%职业教育中的实践是指学生在结构化的真实或虚拟的职业情境中,在教师的指导下通过自己的行动建构职业综合能力和职业身份的过程。实践教学是指教师在这一过程中的引导、示范、纠错、评价以及创设结构化的职业情境所做的一切工作。泛实践教学特指实践教学活动的多样性、理论的丰富性以及对学生发展的深层关注与关怀。泛实践教学模式中的“三向”是指模式的三种目标,即主体取向、素质指向和岗位导向;“四级”是指模式实现其目标的具体方法,包括职业兴趣培养、职业意识养成、职业技能实训和职业综合能力提升。泛实践教学模式的推进策略主要包括五个方面:完善培养体系、强化保障体系、健全行动体系、丰富课程体系和构建示范体系。



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