首页> 中文期刊>西南农业大学学报(社会科学版) >职前教师专业发展的主观理论结构--基于 RLTESECC 项目交换生跨文化学习经历的启示

职前教师专业发展的主观理论结构--基于 RLTESECC 项目交换生跨文化学习经历的启示



随着国际交流日益向纵深发展,教育国际交流频率与日俱增。本文选取参与(Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China,RLTESECC)加拿大温莎大学交换学习项目的中国 X 大学职前教师为个案,通过访谈、文本内容分析等质性研究方法,考察职前教师对教师职业、专业知识与专业能力的主观理论水平,并基于此构建职前教师跨文化学习的主观理论结构图。由此得出,职前教师对专业素养的全景式认知、反思有助于职前教师实践性知识的转化及跨文化学习对职前教师专业发展的影响深远而持久等结论。%With the further development of international communication,the frequency and form of in-ternational communication are increasing.The paper selected pre-service teachers of X University in China as a case who participated in the project of “Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China”(RLTESECC)to exchange learning at the University of Windsor in Canada.This paper investigated pre-service teachers’subjective theory of teachers’profes-sion,professional knowledge and professional ability through interviews,text analysis and other qual-itative research methods,and constructed the structure of subjective theory about pre-service teachers’ cross-cultural learning.Finally,the paper has three conclusions.First,pre-service teachers have pano-ramic cognition on professional qualities.Second,reflection could help the transformation of pre-serv-ice teachers’practical knowledge.Third,the experience of cross-cultural learning has widespread and lasting effect on pre-service teachers’professional development.



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