首页> 中文期刊>太原理工大学学报(社会科学版) >从哲学研究对象和思维方式看古代中西方哲学差异




Philosophy research ability and results is an important part of cultural strength,and is the essence of the spirit of the times.However,poverty of philosophy is the fact that does not dispute.To boost the philosophy and social science,we can neither worship everything foreign,nor blindly prize the ancient.We should be dialectical analysis the Chinese and Western philosophy,and be based on the classical philosophy resources and social reality to solve the existing problems.We should not only know the differences between Chinese and western philosophy,but also analyse their characteristics and causes of formation.In learning and referencing inheritance and innovation,we prosper philosophy and the social sciences.The differences between Chinese and Western ancient philosophy,are not only embody in the research object,but also root in the way of thinking differences.The differences have both advantages and disadvantages for national science and culture development.%哲学的研究能力和成果是文化实力的重要部分,是时代精神的精华,然而哲学资源的贫困是不争的事实。要振兴哲学社会科学,我们既不能崇洋媚外,也不能一味崇古尚古,而必须对中西哲学进行辩证分析,基于古典哲学资源和社会现实解决现存的问题;我们既要了解中西哲学的差异,又要分析各自的特点及形成原因,在学习与借鉴、传承与创新中繁荣哲学社会科学。中西古代哲学的差异性不仅体现在研究对象上,而且根源于思维方式的本质差异,这些差异性对民族科学文化的影响有利有弊。



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