首页> 中文期刊>泰山学院学报 >沈德潜与赵执信诗学关系初探




As the poetry leader in the early period in Qian Long dynasty, Shen De - qian had contacts both with Wang Shi - zhen and Zhao Zhi - xin. Because of the different opinions on poetry, Zhao Zhi - xin wrote the book "The Discussion on Dragon" to attack Wang's poetics, and their argument became a notable event in the middle of Qing Dynasty. Though Shen De - qian stood firmly on the side of Wang Shi - zhen, he also absorbed some points of view from Zhao Zhi - xin. On the background of poetic argument between Wang and Zhao, to analysis the similarities and differences on poetic concepts of Zhao and Wang, it will help people understand the association and geology of the poetics in the early and middle of Qing Dynasty. At the same time, it will be helpful to analysis the precise position and collation of Zhao Zhi - xin.%沈德潜是乾隆朝前期的诗坛领袖,他与同列康熙诗坛六大家的王士禛和赵执信都有交往。赵执信因与王士禛论诗不合,作《谈龙录》攻讦王氏诗学,王、赵之争成为影响清代诗坛的著名事件。沈德潜在评判王、赵之争上明显站在王士禛一边,但他在构建试图取代王士禛神韵说的诗学理论时,也吸收了赵执信《谈龙录》的一些观点。在王、赵之争的诗学背景下,辨析沈德潜与赵执信诗学观念的异同,有助于人们看清清代中期诗学和初期诗学的关联与流变。同时,沈德潜《清诗别裁集》是迄今最有影响的清诗选集,然此书于赵执信有定位不准、校勘不精、评注失实之弊,一并予以辨析。



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