首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >20世纪五六十年代新中国处理边界争端的原则与实践




近代遗留下来的中国边界领土争端大致可以分为"位置性边界争端"和"领土性边界争端"。针对不同的边界问题,新中国政府制订了相应的原则与办法。60年代初,国际关系的紧张与中国边疆局势的动荡促使中共领导人加快了解决边界问题的步伐,中国相继与缅甸等6国解决了边界问题。中国政府在边界谈判过程中所贯彻的原则性与灵活性,保障了这一时期边界问题的顺利解决,体现出中国领导人尽快解决边界争端的意愿。从国家长远利益来看,在中国对外战略从"一边倒"转向"两条线"的60年代,陆地边界问题的和平解决,为中国赢得了较为安定的边疆局势。%China's border disputes from modern times can be roughly divided into two groups: "Locational Border Disputes" and "Territorial Border Disputes".To handle different border problems,the government of New China worked out several corresponding principles and approaches.With the intension of international relations and the instability in China's border areas in the early 1960s,the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party quickened their steps and finally succeeded in resolving the border problems with Burma and five other countries in succession.The government not only firmly adhered to its principles but also demonstrated a certain amount of flexibility in the negotiations,guaranteeing the successful settlement of the border problems,and manifesting the leaders' strong desire to resolve those problems as soon as possible.From the perspective of a nation's long-running interests,the transition of China's foreign strategies from the "leaning to one side" policy to the "adopting two lines in parallel" policy in the 1960s as well as the peaceful settlements of the borders problems won China a relatively stable situation in border areas.



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