首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >国内译界主体间性研究:现状、问题和前景




This paper is intended to comb the history and status quo of inter-subjectivity studies in Chinese translation circles, analyze current problems in the process of relevant research, and interpret their respective origins, highlighting the significant perspectives of philosophical backgrounds, approaches and results on translation studies, esp. inter-subjectivity studies, with a view to addressing the urgent presence of inter-subjectivity studies. At the end of the paper, the author points out that the author of the source text is the creative subject, the translator the translating subject, the audience the receptive subject, and the sponsnr the sponsoring subject. It is also pointed out that the Theory of Conmmnicative Action advocated by Jtirgen Habermas, which may well serve as a new thinking mode and a starting point for intersubjectivity studies, is of enormous practical guiding significance fbr the construction of translation studies and translation practice. Studying from the perspective of the Theory of Communicative Action, translation is in effect the result of the interactions between different subjects. Hence, we must fundamentally disrupt the traditional epistemological mode of subject-object dichotomy and binary opposition to pay way for the construction of a sound ecosystem of mutually-dialogical, mutually-interactive coexistence of all research paradigms in translation.%笔者基于当今哲学研究由主体性转向主体间性的后现代主义背景,梳理了20世纪90年代以来我国译界主体间性研究的大致脉络,认为国内翻译研究仍处于主体性研究状态,主体间性研究不系统、不连贯、不深入,从哲学角度分析翻译主体间性的文章更是寥若晨星;重新界定了翻译主体,提出原文作者是创作主体,译者是翻译主体,译文读者是接受主体,翻译发起人是翻译活动发起主体,他们都积极参与翻译活动;指出哈贝马斯交往行为理论为翻译主体间性研究提供了新的思路和切入点,对翻译学的构建和翻译实践具有极强的现实指导意义。在交往行为理论的观照下,所有的翻译都是翻译所涉及的各个主体之间的相互作用、相互否定、相互协调与相互交流的结果;必须从根本上改变传统的主客二分、二元对立的认识论模式,构建起一种对话式互动的共在关系,一种良性循环的生态体系。



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