首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >试论中国当代城市建筑的审美视觉性




我国当代城市建筑视觉意象挣脱了沉重的政治象征意涵,大多变成了纯粹的视觉审美符号。这一嬗变折射出消费控权时期国人将建筑视觉形象欲望为生活风格、审美需要、文化认同的多元诉求。此欲望正好与城市经营管理者对利润和政绩的欲望暗合。建筑形象遂充任了消费的欲望机器,致力生产视觉快感符号。在一定程度上,正是欲望的交织与共构谋划了中国当代城市建筑的审关视觉性规程。%The imagery of contemporary Chinese city buildings, which has finally got rid of their heavy political symbol, is now generally moving towards the simple symbol of pure visual aesthetics. The gradual change reflects that in the consumption-dominated period, the needs of Chinese people on their visual desires in architecture are demonstrated as lifestyle, aesthetic needs and diverse euhural identities, which just agrees with the desires of the political-achievements-oriented city administrators and profitoriented city operators. Consequently, architecture has come to serve as the outlet of their consumptive desires in an effort to product visually appealing symbols. To some extent, it is just the interactions of their desires and common plans that constitute the course of visual aesthetics in contemporary Chinese city buildings.



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