


任何事物都有一定的度,超过了这个度,就会走向事物的反面。毫无疑问,忍耐是有道德限度的。弄清可忍与不可忍的道德是非,关键是确立可忍与不可忍的标准:是否跨越"善"的界限是其根本标准;是否有"义"于他者和是否愧对于"良心"是其具体标准。过度忍耐也会产生消极后果,其对主体的消极影响表现为扼杀主体进取精神、导致自我价值迷失、贬损主体人格尊严等;对客体的消极影响体现为纵容他者恶行和败坏社会道德。%Everything has its limits.When a thing goes beyond that limit,it may turn into the opposite.There is no doubt that tolerance is no exception.To clarify what can be tolerated and what cannot,the key is to establish the standard for what is right and what is wrong in ethics: whether the boundary of "what is good" has been overstepped is the fundamental standard;whether one is "righteous" in dealing with others and whether one is "guilty" are its concrete standards.Excessive tolerance can also produce negative consequences,which appear mainly in the forms of the suffocation of the subject's entrepreneurial spirit,loss of one's self-worth and degradation of the subject's human dignity while the object tolerates others' evil deeds and corrupt social morals.



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