首页> 中文期刊> 《苏州教育学院学报》 >试析舞蹈在日常生活中的功能价值




“Dance Therapy of the Whole Body”is a comprehensive training based on such dancing features as transmit, pause, sof tness and stimulation. It also benef its head, neck, chest, legs, hips and the other parts as people exercise in a coherent, lfuent, rhythmical and emotional setting. It is good for health by means of enhancing the freedom of the body in space, and restoring the connection between the body and the soul. Centering on the f unction of dance therapy, the practical problems of dance therapy teaching, and the overlapping parts of different subjects, the paper explores and analyzes the functional value of dance in daily life and dancing therapy teaching. This paper is supposed to lay a foundation for the further dissemination of dance therapy teaching.%“舞蹈周身疗法”,主要是利用舞蹈的周身传导性、顿挫性、柔软性和刺激性等特点进行点面结合的训练,同时兼顾人体头、颈、胸、腿、髋等部位,使其在连贯、流畅、有节奏、有韵律、有情感的综合情境下得到周身传导与锻炼,利于人体健康,从而增强身体在空间中的自由,恢复身体与自己的亲密联连。本文围绕舞蹈治疗的功能性、舞蹈治疗教学实践中的问题和各学科交叉等方面对舞蹈在日常生活中的功能价值及舞蹈治疗教学进行相关探讨和分析,为更进一步普及舞蹈治疗教学打下基础。



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