首页> 中文期刊>苏州教育学院学报 >孝的二重奏《:二十四孝》及《二十四孝图》之价值摭谈




The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars is complied by Guo brothers on the basis of Confucian moral values and thoughts, and the chief source of the book is the legends that 24 dutiful sons supported and waited upon their parents with hardship, which promotes the iflial piety culture and highlights certain thought and social value. In addition, it also provides an excellent platform for the artistic creation of the later generations.The Picture of Twenty-four Filial Exemplars drawn by Wang Su recovers and imagines the written materials, making the value ideas of the iflial piety culture such as gratitude, supporting the parents and respecting the parents, etc., subtly inifltrate into the form and image. Besides, the feudal iflial piety culture is also a double-edged sword that symbolizes family virtues and culture dross.%郭氏兄弟所编的《二十四孝》是据二十四位孝子奉养父母、艰难行孝的传说为蓝本,以儒家道德价值思想为基础,既弘扬了中华民族的孝文化,彰显一定的思想与社会价值,也为后世艺术创作提供了平台。王素《二十四孝图》通过对文字材料的想象复原,使孝悌文化的感恩、养亲、敬亲等价值理念渗透于形式意象之中。通过分析可见,封建孝悌文化也是一把象征家庭美德与文化糟粕的双刃剑。



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