首页> 中文期刊>职大学报 >古老“诗经学”的再评价--刘毓庆、郭万金《从文学到经学--先秦两汉诗经学史论》的几个亮点




Liuzhu believes that the process of the poetry turning from the literature to the Confucian classics is: 1、in the Spring and Autumn Period it shows the poetic literature flexibility; 2、 in the Warring States Period, the "poetry" turned into "Confucian classics", undertook the historical mission of inheritance of the ritual and music culture and widely permeated Confucianism theory architecture; 3、During the Zhou and Qin Dynasty and before the period of Emperor Han Xuan, the study of the Confucian classics of poetry started and gradually professional; 4、From Yuan and Cheng to the end of Eastern Han Dynasty, it is the heyday and mature period of Confucian classics, there were many schools of Confucianism and a great quantity of works. The prosperity of the study of chapters and sentences was a symbol of well-studied Confucian classics.%刘著认为,《诗》由文学转向经学的历程是:1.会盟燕享賦诗言志的春秋时代,展现诗的文学灵动性;2.战国时代,由“诗”升为“经”,肩负起传承礼乐文化的历史使命,并广泛地渗透于儒学的理论架构之中;3.周秦之际至汉宣帝之前,《诗》之经学研究开始启动,并逐渐经术化;4.元、成之后至东汉结束,是经学极盛与成熟期,出现许多经学流派和大批量解经之作,其时章句之学的昌盛也是经学研究成熟之标志。



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