首页> 中文期刊>华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) >农地抵押法制实践的困境与出路




Mortgage with land contract and management right in China has encountered difficulties in law and practice.In legal interpretation," Three Right Separation" means to set up management right of ru-ral land separated from contractual management right.However,it contradicts with the legal principle of Property Law and Mortgage Law.In practice,this kind of mortgage has been promoted by government policy,and the financial institutions received it with a cold acceptance.The actual mortgagors are mainly companies or enterprises,instead of ordinary peasant households.The mortgagors mainly use the land for nonagricultural management.The plight is mainly caused by the shortage of market demand,rather than the imperfect system of farmland property right.China's agricultural management mode proves the effec-tiveness of the small-scale peasant economy,which is a kind of semi-industrial and semi-agricultural live-lihood based on the intergenerational division of labor the general mode of agrarian household reproduc-tion in the transitional period.However,this mode conflicts with the large scale and industrialized agri-culture.In the future,the mortgage system should reinforce the social security function of agricultural land,and decrease government intervention,and expand agricultural financing channels.%我国农地抵押融资正遭遇法律解释和制度实践的双重困境.法律解释上,从土地承包经营权中分离出经营权作为抵押标的的"三权分置"论,与有关物权法理相冲突,也不符合抵押权成立的条件;制度实践上,以政策推动为主的农地抵押被金融机构冷遇,实际抵押人多为公司企业而非普通农户,且主要从事非农经营或者非粮种植.农地抵押法制实践的困境并非源自农地产权制度不完备,而是市场需求不足.我国农村以代际分工为特征的"半工半耕"家计生产方式充分展现了小农经济的有效性,并从根本上否定农地抵押导向下的规模化、产业化农业经营方式.未来农地抵押制度应在强化农地社会保障功能、减少政府具体干预、拓展农业融资渠道的基础上,完善抵押权设定规则.



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