首页> 中文期刊>华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) >互联网环境下农业服务业的创新发展




In the context of the"Internet Plus", the innovation and development of agricultural service industry is based on information technology, which has required reform and innovation in service con-cept,service technology,service process,service product,service mode,specialization degree,service market and so on in the traditional agricultural service industry, so as to bring in information, science and technology,capital and talent into the industry.It is characterized by the Internet technology plat-form,short innovation cycle and great potential for development.It has formed typical service modes such as the sharing economy,professional service,platform service,industrial integration service and subject-upgrading service.The endogenous motivation of innovation comes from the needs of various service sub-jects,large-scale and specialized development,optimization and upgrading of agricultural service industry structure; while the national policy, the process of agricultural modernization and technical progress formed the exogenous power of innovation.Upgrading of subject, technology and capital in the Internet era and the cross-border integration of industry,the efficient allocation of resources and the new type of industry are the inner mechanism promoting the innovation.Finally,we propose to attach the importance to innovation,to improve the agricultural industrialization development, to increase government finance and tax support, to improve financial services and to strengthen the talented personnel team and other countermeasures.%"互联网+"环境下农业服务业的创新发展是基于各类信息技术,对传统农业服务业在服务观念、服务技术、服务流程、服务产品、服务方式、专业化程度、服务市场等方面进行的变革与创新,以更好地将信息、科技、资金、人才等要素引入农业行业;它具有以互联网技术平台为基础、创新周期短、发展潜力大等特征,形成了共享经济、专业化服务、平台化服务、产业融合服务、服务主体升级等典型服务模式.而各类服务主体的需求,规模化、专业化发展的需求,农业服务业结构优化升级的需求是农业服务业创新发展的内生动力,国家政策、农业现代化进程与技术进步则构成农业服务业创新发展的外生动力,两者共同成为农业服务业创新的动力机制;互联网带来的主体、技术和资本的升级改造以及产业的跨界融合、资源高效配置和新型业态是推动农业服务业创新的内在机理.要正视农业服务业创新的战略意义,完善产业发展体系,加大财税支持力度,完善金融服务,加强人才资源建设.



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