首页> 中文期刊>四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >论海德格尔的反讽——世界、存在论差异与源始哲学




文本策略与思想主题的反讽模式, 贯穿了海德格尔《存在与时间》的思想之路.作为一种思想-言说模式的反讽, 构成了海德格尔思想文本创作的动力源泉, 并促成了其存在之思的源始哲学之展开.在关于现代性社会的理解与对政治世界的判断上, 存在之思的困境与失败在于: 由反讽结构模式所主导的存在论源始哲学, 最终回归到审美主义和主体哲学的范畴.海德格尔的思想困境, 深深地植根于反讽性思维-言说模式对普遍主义、公共性社会诉求的排斥.%The ironic mode of text strategy and thought theme runs through Heidegger‘s Sein und Zeit and other writings. This paper discusses this topic in some details. It focuses on the texture of irony to constitute the source of Heidegger‘s text creation, how it expands the thinking of the origin of philosophy, and how it goes against the understanding and judgment of modernity in the political world. The origin of philosophy, which is dominated by the irony structure model, finally returns to the category of aestheticism and subject philosophy when it comes to the issue of public domain.



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