首页> 中文期刊> 《四川林业科技》 >山西太岳山油松人工林群落结构研究




油松是我国北方人工林重要的造林树种,是我国人工林种植中使用较早的一种树种。本文调查的油松人工林是山西沁源县马泉林场宋家沟。通过在太岳山马泉林场宋家沟设立标准样地,并进行调查、取样,旨在研究人工油松林的群落结构,包括油松林下的植物种类,及科、属、种的统计,同时计算油松林下植被的重要值及多样性指数,揭示油松林下植被多样性情况。同时,针对油松密度与林分平均胸径、平均树高的关系进行研究,找寻油松最佳的种植密度。寻求最佳的解决人工林生长、经营、管理问题的一些途径。%Chinese pine is one of the main plantation species in north China. It is an important and earlier tree species used in plantations in China. In this paper, investigations were made of the artificial Chinese pine forest in Songjiagou, Maquan Forest Farm, Qinyuan County, Shanxi. By establishing the standard plot and conducting investigations, and sampling in Songjiagou, studies were made of the community structure of Chinese pine forest, including plant species in Chinese pine forest and counting families, genera and species in the forest and calculating the importance value and vegetation diversity index, aiming to reveal the diversity of vegetation in Chinese pine forest. Meanwhile, researches were conducted on the relation- ship among the pine stand density, average diameter at breast height and average tree height in order to find the best pine planting density and some best ways of solving problems in the growth and management of the olantations.



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