首页> 中文期刊>石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >伏羲画卦与我国古代婚姻制度关系探源




中国古代易学思想和体系的演进与中国整个社会的演进是同步的。从伏羲画卦开始,它大致经历了上古《三易》和《周易》两个阶段,而上古易卦的演进,正是我国古代婚姻制度初步形成和完备的关键时期,上古易学思想对婚姻的制约与促进作用尤为明显。根据上古《三坟易》和古代神话传说,该文认为上古易卦思想的演进,对我国古代先民由“氏族对偶婚制”向“一夫一妻制”的转变起到了决定作用。%The evolution of ancient thought and system of Yi Jing (Book of Changes) kept abreast with the evolution of society in ancient China. Starting from Fuxi ’s hexagrams, Yi Jing experienced two stages of San Yi and Zhou Yi, when it was the key period for the ancient marriage system to come into being and then become full-fledged. The ancient thought of Yi Jing exerted a marked influence on marriage. In light of ancient San Fen Yi and legends, this paper argues that the evolution of ancient thoughts of Yi Jing played a decisive role in the transformation from dual marriage to monogamy in ancient China.



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