首页> 中文期刊>石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >文化认同与民族交融--20世纪50至80年代新疆汉语小说中的少数民族元素




Cultural identity can refer to an individual's sense of cultural belonging, or the acceptence of each other's cultural elements by different minority members. From this view, there are at least three dimensions on studying the subjects of minorities in Xinjiang's Chinese novels. Firstly, the Han writers can learn from the cultural resources of ethnic minorities; Secondly, the minority writers can spread and inherit their own cultural heritage; Thirdly, minority writers can take in other culture consciously. During the 1950s to the 1960s, the local Han writers in Xinjiang, guided by the spirit of national unity, with a high sense of mission, reveal the life and culture of minorities in Xinjiang; in the 1980s, the subjects of minorities written by Han writers become more diversified, and meanwhile some excellent “Min Kao Han”(ethnic minorities mastering Chinese) young writers have been active in the Chinese literary world in Xinjiang.%文化认同既可能指个人对于所属文化的归属感,也可能指不同民族成员彼此认可对方的文化要素。从这一视角考察新疆汉语小说中的少数民族题材创作至少有三个维度:一是汉族作家汲取少数民族文化资源;二是少数民族作家对本民族文化的传承;三是少数民族作家对“他者”文化的自觉吸纳。20世纪50年代至60年代新疆本土汉族作家在民族团结颂歌的时代精神指引下,以高度的使命感展现着少数民族的生活和文化;80年代汉族作家的少数民族题材创作更趋向多元化,同时一些优秀的“民考汉”青年作家开始活跃于新疆汉语文坛上。



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