首页> 中文期刊>沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版) >一种基于剖面轮廓线进行矿体三维建模的方法




目的 研究基于相邻剖面轮廓线进行矿体三维建模算法,提出周长投影法,解决目前矿体三维建模中存在的问题.方法 通过坐标变换将相邻轮廓线上的顶点坐标投影到轮廓线所在平面,在相邻的两条轮廓线上通过内插按照距离比例加密点位,使相邻的两个轮廓线上具有相同的点数,然后在两个轮廓线之间构建三角网.结果 在相邻剖面矿体轮廓线形体差异较大,点数较多的情况下,利用该方法进行矿体建模能够取得较好的建模效果,矿体模型表面过渡平滑,更具真实感.结论 周长投影法符合同步规则,保证了矿体相邻轮廓线在形体上的一致性,在相邻矿体轮廓线形体差异较大、轮廓线线上点数相差较多的情况下,利用该方法能够取得较好的建模效果.%In order to provide the reference of orebody 3D modeling,this paper mainly studies orebody 3D modeling theory and solves the key problem on orebody 3D modeling. This paper introduces perimeter projection algorithm. Its essential processes include several steps. The vertex coordinates of two adjacent contour lines are projected on their planes,then some points are encrypted on the adjacent contour lines according to the proportion. Therefore the number of points on adjacent contour lines are same and the triangle net is constructed between two contour lines. For improving the accuracy of orebody 3D model, this paper introduces perimeter projection algorithm with control lines. This algorithm meets synchronization rules and assures adj-cent outlines shapes are congruously. When adjacent contours morphological difference is larger and the difference in number of points on contours is more,this algorithm can get well result. Perimeter projection algorithm is simple,easy implementation.



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