首页> 中文期刊>沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版) >孔子与孟子义利观的比较及启示




义利之辩不仅是要讨论义和利的关系,更重要的是应怎样对待"利",在什么前提下取"利",这方面孔孟一致主张见利思义,以利佐义。在这样的价值取向基础上,孟子在继承孔子的义利观后,有所发展,主张尚义贱利,以"义"排他,及将"义"和"利"对立起来等思想。因此,分析孔孟的异同点是为了更加深入地理解和学习儒家义利观的精华,同时,孔孟义利观的真知灼见也对个人和社会树立正确的义利观带来了诸多有益的启示。%The argument between personal loyalty and benefit not only discusses the relationship of personal loyalty and benefit,but more discusses how to treat "benefit" and in what situation we should get benefit. In this situation, Confucius and Mencius put forward that we should remember personal loyalty when we get benefit and use benefit to encourage personal loyalty. Based on this value, Mencius introduced the idea of "attach importance to personal loyalty and belittle benefit"," eliminate anything based on personal loyalty", and "put an opposite relationship into personal loyalty and benefit" after Confucius. So this paper analyzes the same and different point between Confucius and Men- cius to study the essence of Confucian benefit idea, meanwhile, puts forward lots of meaningful enlightenment of build- ing correct personal loyalty based on it.



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