首页> 中文期刊>邵阳学院学报(社会科学版) >古村落法律保护之制度构造




当前我国古村落的生存状况在经济社会较快发展的大背景之下并不乐观,现行有关古村落保护的法律制度亦存在数量和结构上的缺陷而有待立法工作的完善.保护性破坏现象的普遍,国家统一认证保护的覆盖面不足,文物权属合理流动性的缺乏与良性经济效益反哺机制的不完善都是当前需要审视的突出问题.%Against the background of rapid economic and social development,the present situation of the ancient village in China is not optimistic,and the current legal system for protecting the ancient village is defective in number and structure,which should be perfected through legislation.The most important problems which need reviewing are the common phenomenon of destruction in conservation,the insufficient coverage of national unified protection with authentication,lack of rational liquidity for the antique ownership and the imperfect positive feedback mechanism of economic benefits.In view of the present obstacles for the ancient village to be in the unified protection system with other cultural relics,the current national unified mechanism should be improved on one hand,and on the other hand,an open and positive auxiliary system should be explored to give play to the advantages of a positive dynamic mechanism,attempt to bring in the proper intervention of private subjects and social capital,promote the long-term operation of a legal protection system for cultural relics (the ancient village),make a further development of the cultural education and inheritance function of cultural relics,carry out special legislation,try high order legislation,and make local legislation play an active power in perfecting the legal protection system of the ancient village.



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