首页> 中文期刊>邵阳学院学报(社会科学版) >论康有为的品性与戊戌变法的策略之失




康有为是戊戌维新运动的主要领导者之一,其虚夸矛盾、言行不一、执拗刚毅、自信自得的品性在一定程度上影响着维新运动的策略实施.在变法宣传阶段,康失去了团结广大拥有实权的开明士绅和地方维新人士支持变法的良机;正式变法期间,未能处理好两宫关系,无法进入权力中心,也未制定全局战略;变法后期,康又缺乏政治敏锐性,不能审时度势,化解危机,而是求助袁世凯、伊藤博文等不靠谱的对象.这些均与戊戌变法的策略之失有较大关联,但不能认为其品性决定了变法的失败.%Kang Youwei,as one of the main leaders of the Reform Movement of 1898,his character of vanity,inconsistency between words and deeds,stubbornness and fortitude,confidence and self-assurance affected the implementation of the strategy in the Reform Movement of 1898 to an extent.In the propaganda stage of the reform,Kang lost the opportunity to unite the majority of the enlightened gentry and local reformers who had the real power to support the reform;during the reform,he failed to deal with the relation between the Emperor and the Empress Dowager and wasnt able to enter the center of power,nor made an overall strategy;in the later period of the reform,lack of political sensitivity,Kang couldnt size up the situation to defuse the crisis and turned to some unreliable people for help,such as Yuan Shikai and Ito Hirobumi.Kang's character had a big correlation with the strategic failure in the Reform Movement of 1898,but it wasnt a crucial factor.



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