首页> 中文期刊>邵阳学院学报(社会科学版) >中日韩三方合作机制的理论困境及前景展望




中日韩所处的东北亚地区局势总体呈现和平稳定局面,经济增长迅速,已经成长为世界经济第三极,成为最具发展潜力和前景的地区.但是,东亚地区因历史遗留问题、冷战残余问题、自然灾害和跨国犯罪等问题,对各国合作形成重大製掣.朝鲜半岛核问题是影响东北亚局势的重大问题,使东北亚局势呈现出更加复杂多变的特点.中日韩作为东北亚的核心国家,对亚洲地区的和平繁荣负有重大责任.针对本地区的特点,三国应共同致力于本地区的安定团结,夯实双边和多边合作的基础,尊重和照顾彼此的利益关切.%The situation in Northeast Asia presents an overall peace and stability.A rapid economic growth has made it grow into the third pole in the world and become the most potential and promising regions.In East Asia,however,historical problems,the residual effect of the cold war,and problems of natural disasters,transnational crime,etc.form a major brake on international cooperation.The nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is a major problem that affects the situation in Northeast Asia,which makes the situation there more complicated and changeable.China,Japan and South Korea,as the core countries of Northeast Asia,bear a heavy responsibility for the peace and prosperity of Asia.In view of the characteristics of the region,the three countries should work together to settle the stability and unity of the region,lay a solid foundation for bilateral and multilateral cooperation,respect and care for each other's interests and concerns.



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