首页> 中文期刊>邵阳学院学报(社会科学版) >老子生态伦理智慧及其对我国生态伦理学本土化的意义




建立有中国特色的生态伦理学体系是当前我国生态伦理学发展的重要目标.老子思想中有大量关于人与自然关系的论述,其道生万物自然观、衣养万物发展观和知足知止消费观与现代生态伦理和我国提倡的绿色理念有极高的契合度,老子思想对形成有中国特色的生态伦理学体系具有重要的借鉴意义,主要体现在它不但是我国现有自然观的重要本原,是中西自然观融合的重要依托,而且是我国生态伦理学走向世界的重要环节.%The important goal for the development of ecological ethics in China is to establish the ecological ethics system with Chinese characteristics.There is a great deal of discussion about the relationship between human and nature in Lao Tzu's thought.His natural view of Tao producing all things,development view of protecting and developing all things and consumption view of knowing meet and knowing moderation are very coincident with modern ecological ethics and the Green Idea advocated in China.Lao Tzu's thought is of great referential significance to the formation of the ecological ethics system with Chinese characteristics,mainly because it is not only an important origin of the existing view of nature in China,an important support of the integration of Chinese and Western view of nature,but also an important link of Chinese ecological ethics to the world.



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