首页> 中文期刊>上饶师范学院学报 >“依于仁,志于道”:孔子礼乐思想的一种阐释




“礼乐”作为孔子美学思想的重要组成部分,是孔子基于春秋末期礼崩乐坏的时代环境提出来的。它承袭了周代的礼乐传统,但又被孔子赋予“依于仁,志于道”这一新的内涵。礼别异,乐合同,礼乐关乎人的性情,是孔子用以感化人心,践行仁德,维护社会稳定的有效手段。通读《论语》,我们可以发现,孔子以仁为基础的礼乐思想,所要达到的最高境界是超脱个人的审美生活之境,走向群体的审美生活之境。因此,孔子礼乐思想具有实践美学的意义。%“Rite-music”,as an important part of Confucius aesthetic thought ,was put forward in the bad environment of the destruc-tion of rite-music system at the end of the Spring and Autumn period ,and it inherited the traditional Rite-music in the Zhou dynasty but was endowed with new connotation“devotion to benevolence and taoism”by Confucius .Rite can distinguish differences ,and music can unify emotion .Rite-music ,whicn relates to people’s temperament ,is an effective means of Confucius’ to influence people’s e-motion ,to fulfill benevolence and virtue ,so as to maintain social stability .Through reading the Analects of Confucius ,we can under-stand that Confucius rite-music based on benevolence aims at achieving the highest state :surpassing individual aesthetic life to share the mass aesthetic life .Therefore ,Confucius rite-music thought has the significance of practical aesthetics .



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