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According to the western Hermeneutic theories, this article tries, by reading intensively, to study how Mencius understood, explained, and used Poem in Mencius while quoting some poems, so as to study his HermeneuG tic thinking in his Poem.Mencius quoted poems and selected some meanings in various ways, sometimes keeping to the original meanings, sometimes using rhetoric meanings, figurative meanings, borrowed meanings and even distortG ed meanings to support his own arguments.His attitude to and manners in quoting and selecting meanings first deG pend on his need to advocate kingly way and benevolent government, and then on the need of aesthetics.Mencius nevG er denied the proposition of “quoting out of context to suit one’s purposes”, so he never scrupled to use “overGinterG pretation” to serve his purposes while quoting and commenting.Thus, this article holds that that view is untenable that the idea of “exploring the writer’s purposes according to the reader’s feeling” was a method produced by MenciG us on how to correctly understand and interpret the poems, directed against the phenomenon that “some people regarG ded the quoted and figurative meanings of poems as the literal meaning of poems by ‘quoting’ poems to ‘interpret’ poems, which was a method of ‘quoting out of context to suit one’s purposes’ prevailing in the activities of writing poems to express one’s purposes.”%文章根据西方阐释学理论,采用细读的方法,研究«孟子»中孟子引诗时是怎样理解、解释和运用«诗»的,并进而反窥其«诗»阐释思想。孟子引诗取义时方法灵活多样:有时强调忠实于原作;有时则取比喻义、引申义、转借义,乃至曲解义给自己的论说作依据。其引诗取义所持的态度和方法首先取决于他宣扬王道仁政的需要,其次才是审美的需要。孟子从未直接否定过“断章取义”的命题,只要方便,他在引诗论说时并不顾忌运用“过度阐释”方法为自己服务。因此,认为“以意逆志”说是孟子针对“有人将赋诗言志活动中盛行的‘断章取义’的‘用’诗方法当作‘说’诗的方法,将诗的引用义和引申义当作了诗的本义”的现象,才“提出了如何正确地理解和阐释诗的”方法的见解,其实是不能成立的。



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