首页> 中文期刊>商丘师范学院学报 >论健身气功·气舞的审美价值




健身气功· 气舞是国家体育总局健身气功管理中心推出的"接地气儿"的新形式,是"倡导中华美学精神,推动美学、美德、美文相结合"的一项重要载体之一.通过对健身气功具有美的属性的分析认为,健身气功· 气舞是健身气功之美的再创造,而更能凸显其审美价值及艺术性:气舞具有使人"兴"的超越功能,通过气舞的艺术性把观众引入一个新的世界,即以一种审美的眼光来审视"气功"域,使气功惊人的魅力赫然展露眼前,以便学练者能够真正享受到"天地之美"赋予健身气功的"真"、"天然"与"自然".%Health Qigong Qiwu is the State Sports General Administration of health Qigong Management Center launched"down to earth"the new form,is"promoting Chinese aesthetic spirit,promoteing aesthetics,virtue,one of his combination of"an important carrier.The analysis has the property of beauty of Health Qigong,health Qigong Qiwu is a re creation of Qigong beauty,but also can highlight its aesthetic value and artistic:Qiwu has to go beyond the function of"Xing",through the art of Qiwu and leading them to a new world,as a kind of aesthetic perspective of"Qigong"domain.With the amazing charm will arise spontaneously,out in front,in order to learn Practitioners can really enjoy the"beauty of heaven and earth",and endow Health Qigong with"true","natural"and"natural"



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