


近年来, 随着金融市场的迅猛发展, 传统市场经济下的交易模式、融资方式和借贷平台逐步被打破更新, 取而代之的是以"货币市场"和"资本市场"为主导的新型融资借贷模式.凭借自身极强的创新性, P2P网络借贷逐渐成为中小企业和个人快速融资的新渠道, 并在数量及成交量方面增长迅速.然而, 在P2P行业快速发展的过程中也暴露出一定的弊端, 隐藏着较大的行业风险.因此, 在P2P网络借贷快速发展的同时, 如何使其整个行业进入健康有序的轨道是个十分值得探讨和研究的重要课题, 这就需要政府强化监管职能, 对P2P网络借贷行业进行监管, 构建起P2P网络借贷的监管体系, 有效控制P2P网络借贷所带来的风险, 充分利用P2P网络借贷的创新性, 发挥其资金配置功能, 促进经济发展.%In recent years, with the rapid development of financial market, the traditional market economic trade modes, money-raising approaches and loaning platforms have been gradually renewed and substituted by new financing and lending models, namely "money market" and "capital market". P2 P network loaning model with its strong innovativeness has gradually become a new channel for small and medium-size enterprises and individuals as well to raise money in a short time, thus growing quickly in numbers and trading quantity. However, it has shown its vulnerabilities or even potential serious risks in the course of its rapid development. So it is worthwhile to probe and study how to regulate the business and enable it to develop in a standard and legal way. This requires that governments should strengthen supervising and controlling functions, especially supervising P2 P network loaning, establish its supervising mechanism, effectively control its risks, take full advantages of its innovativeness and enable it to display its capital distributing functions so as to promote economic development.



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