首页> 中文期刊>山东女子学院学报 >男权意识下的突围与困境--莫言小说女性形象再解读




长期以来,人们习惯于将莫言笔下的女性形象看作叛逆和颠覆传统伦理的典范,但究其深层原因,审视其生存真相,会发现她们深受子嗣至上、男尊女卑精神桎梏的束缚;她们被传统贞操观念、从一而终的封建伦理极度压抑;同时她们对男性依附性的意识也根深蒂固。通过她们的突围及其困境,莫言洞微烛幽,深刻批判了女性长期以来受到男权压迫的事实。莫言用他的作品证明了男性作家描绘女性情感、揭示女性命运的可能性以及所能达到的高度。%For a long time, people are used to considering the female images in Mo Yan's novels as the rebel-lion and subversion of traditional ethics.But after looking for the underlying reasons and reviewing their living states , people may find that those women are restrained by the notion of masculine supremacy and fertile pres-sure.They are also deeply depressed by the traditional notions of virginity and loyalty in feudal ethics.At the same time, they are greatly dependent on men in consciousness.Mo Yan analyzes and narrates their struggles and plight, and criticizes that women have long been patriarchal oppression.Mo Yan’ s works have proved that the male writers are able to describe women emotions and to reveal their fate very well.



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