首页> 中文期刊>山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >我国文物保护法制化的发端--论清末《保存古迹推广办法》及其历史作用




法律作为一种制度,是社会观念发展的结果。在我国历史上,文物观念曾几经变迁,文物法规也发生着相应的变化。近代之前,文物多被赋予不同程度的政治意义,文物观念落后、缺乏文物保护意识,加之文物保护法规几近空白,导致鸦片战争以来我国文物遭受到前所未有的破坏和流失。与此同时,在西方近代文明的影响下,人们对文物价值逐渐有了正确认识,意识到保护文物的重要性和必要性。在借鉴文物保护国际公约和他国文物保护法规的基础上,我国历史上第一个文物保护法规———《保存古迹推广办法》由此诞生,开启了我国文物保护的法制化历程。%Law,as a kind of institution,is the result of the development of social concept.In China’s history,the concept of cultural relics has changed several times;accordingly,the heritage legislation has also undergone corresponding changes.Before modern times,the cultural relics were given different degrees of political significance.The undeveloped concept of cultural relics,the lack of awareness of cultural relics conservation,and fewer cultural relics protection regulations caused that the cultural relics were suffered an unprecedented destruction and loss after the Opium War.At the same time,under the influence of modern Western civilization,people gradually recognized the value of cultural relics and realized the necessity and importance of protecting cultural relics.Drawing on the International Convention and other country’s regulations on protection of cultural relics,the first cultural relics protection regulation in China--“Measures to promote the preservation of monuments”--was born,which was the origin of legal system of cultural relics protection in China’s history.



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